Skylight maquette for the 10 foot window.

Skylight maquette for the 10 foot window.
Canticle of the Sun with St. Francis in Contemplation

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I was on retreat all last week and admired the beauty of nature, the changing color of leaves on the trees.  The trees reflecting on the water, and the splendor or earth's bounty.  Here are some paintings that I completed today.   Ideas and colors for the Castle skylight.

Brother Sun/ Canticle of the Sun


srchristinamarie said...

Sr. Ann Therese,
What an awesome experience to view the beauty of God's creation through your wonderful and inspiring glass work. May you continue to bring God's beauty and grace to all through the creations you design. Blessings and Pax et Bonum!
Sr. Christina Marie Luczynski, CSSF

bpowrie said...

sister Ann Therese,

I came across photos I took of your studio when I was subbing at the VIlla Maria H.S.
I was fascinated with your studio and your books on gardening.
I am currently teaching various levels of keyboard classes at VMC.
I was happy to see this link to be able to contact you.
I assume you will be teaching after your sabbatical.
YOur stained glass windows are spectacular!
I have a faux stained glass window in my studio.

(faux frank lloyd wright).

God bless

Barb Powrie

Sister Kelly said...

Dear Barb,
Thanks for finding me! Stop by the studio some time since you're just across the lawn!

fr tom, sa said...

The paintings of Brother Sun are gorgeous, are you going to make them into stained glass cartoons I need a new project in the studeo at FC for my second project in class. I love the two of them, hope you create some more.

Tom, SA